• +39.075.585.5504
  • dipartimento.dcbb@unipg.it

Higher Learning

Higher Learning

Doctoral studies in Chemical Sciences

XXXV Ciclo

Chiara Domestici – lab IC2EIridium-based Molecular and Material Catalysts for Processes Related to the Production of Renewable Energy. Supervisor: Alceo Macchioni.

Letizia Mencaroni – lab PhotochemSinglet fission under the gaze of fast and ultrafast spectroscopy: a new interesting mechanism for triplet productionSupervisor: F. Ortica. Co-tutor: A. Spalletti.

Diego Sorbelli – lab TheoEnRelativistic theoretical approaches for the catalytic and optical properties of heavy elements’ molecular compounds. Supervisor: L. Belpassi. Co-tutor P. Belanzoni.


Paola Gravina – lab TRACESStudy of specific chemical markers in sediment cores for reconstruction of lake ecosystems evolution during the Anthropocene. Supervisor: David Cappelletti.

Daniele Sciosci – lab FASSTDevelopment of sustainable CH activation reaction protocols in novel bio-derived media and in flow. Supervisor: Luigi Vaccaro.